Customer Experience expert with over 20 years of successful experience in various customer touchpoints. Recognized consistently for performance excellence and contributions to success in the BPO industry and Customer Service. Goal-oriented with ability to meet long-term goals through daily organization. Dedicated to excellent customer service, client satisfaction and people development.
Contact Center Management
McKinsey Management Program
McKinsey Management Program
Coaching 1-on-1
ISD: Train the Trainers Workshop
ISD: Evaluation Workshop
Effective Business Writing Workshop
ISD: Courseware Development Course
Art of Service Recovery
Parallel Thinking Workshop for Six Thinking Hats
Parallel Thinking Workshop for Six Thinking Hats
Strategic Thinking
Business Process Management (BPM1)
Business Communication Workshops
Human Evocative Approach to Training (HEAT)
Instructional Systems Design
AESOD’s Managing for Results Workshop