Highly skilled and experienced Medical Technologist with 6 years of expertise with formal education, specialized training, and significant hands-on, practical experience in hospital settings. Highly knowledge about laboratory equipment and testing to perform quality control checks and troubleshooting of instrumentation. Manage multiple responsibilities simultaneously, proactively resolve issues, and excel in fast-paced, high-pressure settings and willing to explore and excel in this field.
is a Tertiary Level 2 hospital, with 110 bed capacity that caters patients from Rizal Province and nearby cities.
is a Tertiary Level 2 hospital, with 170 bed capacity that caters patients from Marikina City and nearby cities.
has received multiple accreditations, including the Platinum Seal from Accreditation Canada International (ACI) and PhilHealth CABG-Z Benefit accreditation
is a secondary free standing laboratory accredited by the Department of Health.
is a secondary free standing laboratory accredited by the Department of Health.
is a secondary free standing laboratory accredited by the Department of Health.
- Performs complete blood counts and manual peripheral smear, detection of Homeostasis and Coagulation Abnormalities and performs Total cell and differential count of different body fluids
- Performs routine examination of urine and stool.
- Performs blood typing and routine immunoassays for hepatitis serological markers, thyroid hormones and cardiac markers.
- Set up and maintained laboratory equipment.
- Performs proper interview of qualified blood donors.
- Performs ABO Blood Typing, Rh Typing as well as Coomb’s Test.
- Responsible for quality monitoring of blood and blood products.
- Responsible for Component separation such as Whole Blood, Packed Red Blood Cells, Platelet Concentrate, Fresh Frozen Plasma, and Liquid Plasma
- Performs Transfusion Transmitted Infection testing
- Exposure in Microbiology including Gram staining and Sputum smear
- Examination for Acid Fast Bacilli and culture preparation.
- Performs Routine Blood Chemistry tests
- Runs calibration and controls
- Proficient in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
- Proficient in venipuncture in all ages and performs Arterial Blood Gas and Newborn heel stick
Hematology & Coagulation
Sysmex XN 350
Sysmex XN 550
Hycel 3N
Hycel 3 parts differential
Sysmex CA 600
Clinical Chemistry, Immunology, Serology
Vitros 5600 (Chemistry, Electrolyte, Immunology Analyzer)
Easylyte (Electrolyte Analyzer)
Biosystems BA 200 (Chemistry Analyzer)
Biobase BK Mini 200 (Chemistry Analyzer)
Humastar 200 (Chemistry Analyzer)
Roche Cobas E411 (Immunoassay Analyzer)
H8 Lifotronic (HBA1c Analyzer)
Bio-rad D10 (HBA1c Analyzer)
Wondfo Finecare FIA meter (POCT)
Clinical Microscopy
UF500 Urine Analyzer
BD Bactec FX40 Blood Culture System
Vitek 2 Compact System
Blood Bank
Orthovision Swift Analyzer
Francis F. Dematera, MD (Pathologist)
Patrick Joseph P. Plata (Owner)
Optimum Healthcare