Looking for a position in accounting and finance where I can utilize my skills, put learning into practice and make a contribution for the mutual benefit of the company and myself.
Depreciation, Prepayments, Marketing, Expense allocation, Payroll, Non-food items, Royalty Fees and Stock transfer transactions.
Review of Detailed Trial Balance, Accrual and reversal of expenses, Reclassification of accounts, Other adjusting entries necessary to detailed trial balance and Consolidation and extraction of final report.
BIR Form 0605 Payment form
BIR Form 1600 Monthly remittance return of VAT and other percentage taxes withheld
BIR Form 1601C Monthly remittance return of income taxes withheld on compensation
BIR Form 0619E/1601EQ Monthly/Quarterly remittance form for creditable income taxes withheld (Expanded)
BIR Form 0619F/1601FQ Monthly/Quarterly remittance form for final income taxes withheld
BIR Form 2550M/Q Monthly/Quarterly VAT declaration
BIR Form 1702Q Quarterly income tax return
Petty Cash Count, Permit Compliance checking, Sales and Deposit Book Audit and Inventory Count