Studying in TESDA and Achieve to get the Certification of Finishing the NCII or other NC And Studying that i want to study about in Computer
To work in an environment which encourages me to succeed and grow professionally where i can utilize my skills and knowledge appropriately.
Good Team Player
undefinedGrade School Student to Senior High my School choose me to be in our School representative in Player of Volleyball, Team of our School.
I studied before as Senior High School but I didn't finish it yet.
The Strand that I studied before when I was in Grade 11 was ABM (Accountancy Business in Management) but I finished it. But when I was already in Grade 12 and I went to a different school because my previous school didn't have the strand I wanted, so I transferred here to a school that is also close to the one I went to at first, Tech Voc (H.E) I took the Strand but never finished it.
The Certificate of Employment (COE)
Studying in TESDA and Achieve to get the Certification of Finishing the NCII or other NC And Studying that i want to study about in Computer
To Work as a Police
Studying the Course/Strand of Education
The Certificate of Employment (COE)