Committed job seeker with a history of meeting company needs with consistent and organized practices. Skilled in working under pressure and adapting to new situations and challenges to best enhance the organizational brand.
Birthday: October 3, 1996
Birthplace: Pasay City
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Born Again Christian
Languages Spoken: English And Tagalog
Height: 5’6”
Pay Now or Pay later: Tips & Tools to Retain Your Aircraft Value
July 8, 2021 - Webinar hosted by ATP Brisbane, California
Goodyear Aviation Tyres Care & Maintenance Training
November 01, 2023 - Goodyear Tires Factory, Bangkok, Thailand
Ptr. Timothy Paul Miscreola
Senior Pastor, Holy Spirit Fishgen Church
Capt. Christian Casibang
Quality Manager, Topflite Academy of Aviation Inc.